“If we follow Gov. Shapiro’s spending plans, there will be a $27.3 billion hole in the state’s finances in five years. Shapiro’s grand spending plan simply isn’t something we can afford without high tax increases – which no one wants. Rather than spending with abandon, I am committed to searching for efficiencies and cost reductions while continuing to fund core government responsibilities such as public safety and basic education.”
–Senator Jarrett Coleman
Our next steps will be to identify underperforming programs and identify savings. The Senate Appropriations Committee will hold public hearings to examine the Shapiro spending plan from
Feb. 18, 2025, through March 6, 2025. Bookmark this page and check back for updates.
Budget Hearing Clips
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Department of Revenue – Full Hearing
Budget Hearing Q&A: Revenue (Part 1)
Budget Hearing Q&A: Revenue (Part 2)
Budget Hearing Q&A: Revenue (Part 3)