HARRISBURG – Sen. Jarrett Coleman (R-Bucks, Lehigh) announced that Parkland School District received a $900,000 Public School Facility Improvement Grant (PSFIC) for an HVAC project at Cetronia Elementary School located in South Whitehall Township, Lehigh County.
The project will replace the current HVAC system with a new, more efficient HVAC design that includes dehumidification capabilities. The replacement of the HVAC system will improve the building’s air quality, system efficiencies, and building security by upgrading to an automated system. PSFIG funds will be used for the purchase and installation of equipment and engineering costs.
The total project cost is $4,937,590. Parkland School District will pay for the rest of the anticipated project from its Capital Improvement Fund.
“I’m pleased we are able to provide this important funding to enhance building security and air quality at Cetronia Elementary,” said Coleman. “As a graduate of Cetronia myself, this upgrade is long overdue. Ensuring our kids’ schools are healthy and safe places to learn is a top priority.”
Dr. Mark Madson, Superintendent of Parkland Schools, stated, “Parkland was pleased to apply for and receive some grant funding that will help us replace the HVAC system at Cetronia, a major capital improvement anticipated project that is quite costly. The grant funds help to offset the taxpayer burden of paying for the needed repair.