HARRISBURG – With the commonwealth spending hundreds of millions of dollars on various programs to train workers and employers still struggling to find skilled employees, the Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee today unanimously approved a resolution introduced by Sen. Jarrett Coleman (R-16) calling for an investigation into the effectiveness of workforce development programs in Pennsylvania.
“We want to make sure workers have access to programs and services that prepare them for the jobs available in their communities,” said Coleman, who chairs the committee. “There is a disconnect between the skills our workers are receiving and the skills employers want in their employees. We have job openings in Pennsylvania and unemployed workers, so we need to make sure those workers receive proper training to fill the available jobs.”
Coleman’s Senate Resolution 169 directs the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee (LBFC) to study state workforce development programs and make suggestions to improve delivery of services to better help workers and employers.
LBFC is a bipartisan legislative agency serving the state House and Senate, and is composed of 12 members of the General Assembly. Coleman serves as one of LBFC’s members.
The committee, established in 1959, conducts studies and makes recommendations aimed at eliminating unnecessary state expenditures, promoting efficiency in state government, and assuring state funds are spent in accordance with legislative intent and law.
Coleman’s resolution gives LBFC up to one year to produce its report.
Senate Resolution 169 now heads to the full Senate for consideration.
Residents who want to learn more about Coleman can visit his website at www.SenatorColeman.com, follow him on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SenatorJarrettColeman and sign up for email newsletters at www.SenatorColeman.com/eNewsletters.
CONTACT: Leo Knepper