HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania parents should have the final say about whether their children have access to sexually explicit content at school. That’s the sentiment behind a bill Sen. Jarrett Coleman’s (R-16) voted for that was approved Tuesday by the state Senate.
“Parents are able to control the content their children see on television, in movies and on their computers, so they should be able to control whether their children see sexually explicit materials in school,” Coleman said.
Senate Bill 7 would enable parents to protect their own child from accessing sexually explicit content at school without affecting the materials available to other students.
“This legislation gives parents the ability to choose for their own children without enabling them to force their own standards onto other people’s children,” Coleman said.
Senate Bill 7 would require schools to identify sexually explicit content in school curriculum, materials and books.
Schools then would create an opt-in policy by notifying parents of the sexually explicit content by including a list of the book titles on the form, giving parents the opportunity to review the materials and requiring parents to give direct consent for their children to be provided or have access to the content.
Schools would provide non-explicit content alternatives to children whose parents choose not to allow access to the sexually explicit materials.
“This bill puts the final decision in the hands of the parents, where it belongs,” Coleman said.
Senate Bill 7 now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration.
Residents who want to learn more about Coleman can visit his website at www.SenatorColeman.com, follow him on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SenatorJarrettColeman and sign up for email newsletters at www.SenatorColeman.com/eNewsletters.
CONTACT: Leo Knepper